Thursday, July 21, 2011

Play with Fire and Ignore the Possibility of Disability

Dr. S. S. Hueber chillingly describes prolonged disability as “living death” and surely it is that. For when a man or woman is disabled and unable to work, the ability to earn income stops.

…and what is income?

The foundation of hopes, plans, dreams
The source of the family’s well-being
Food on the Table, a roof overhead, clothes for the family
The car, TV, comfortable furniture, appliances
Recreation and vacations, the joyful times and the quiet times spent with the family

How can a family’s breadwinner let one day go by without insuring his or her income – the source of all the necessities of life and all the good things that make life worth living?

When the breadwinner dies, income stops, but what also stops, is the need for money to keep him or her alive.

When disability strikes income stops, but the need for money to keep the breadwinner alive does not. In addition to the basic necessities of life, medical attention is needed. Medical expense insurance – even the best plan – will not pay all of the doctor bills, hospital bills, drugs, medicines and hundreds of other items.

The high cost of death is insignificant compared to the high cost of staying alive.

Yet every day, millions of breadwinners face the threat of living death with little or no protection. They are vulnerable. They gamble with fate, and the stakes they play with are the highest anyone can own – financial future and the economic well-being of their families. Some may have group policies, but they don’t really know what the benefits are and for how long. Typically, they brush off any entreaties by financial planners to help them, only to find that it only pays them a small amount they can’t live off of and even then for a short time.
People buy insurance on their homes, cars, golf clubs, cameras… and yet so many times they fail to protect what has been called their most precious asset – their ability to earn income. If you had a machine in the basement that cranked out your income every two weeks, I bet you would insure it… and keep it well oiled.. and very well maintained…Well Guess What , that machine is YOU!

If one of my good clients became disabled, unable to work, feeling fearful for lack of money and the idea of having mounting unpaid bills, I’d like to be able to say “Don’t worry about money. That income policy we put in place is going to deliver a nice cheque to you, month after month, as long as you’re disabled?”

Remember, those that need insurance can’t get it, so you had better get it before you really need it!!

John Scholl
Financial Advisor - Desjardins Financial Security Inc.
CFP, CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), CGA, B. Math., EPC
W – 416 743-1239
C – 416 731-3660